A Birth Story

In the wee hours of the morning on friday 22nd August I got a text, Brianne may be in the early starts of labour….Excited and not being able to get back to sleep I laid awake thinking if today was the day.
With my phone attached to my hip I went about my day, a few texts during the day with updates on how the labour was progressing.

And then at 5pm that evening the call…Brianne was 8cm and I made the mad dash to the hospital.

When I arrived Brianne was in very heavy labour and was not long before she started pushing.

To take you back the last nine months, I met Brianne and Chris in my studio when she was only 12 weeks along, we started a pregnancy journey timeline so I was blessed with being able to witness this journey month by month with this ever so lovely couple, who always walked into my studio with the biggest smiles and the most welcoming hellos.
6 months later here we were in the labour room, a journey about to end and I was there to witness it.

At 9:14pm a little girl was born and her first breath of air was taken.

Witnessing a birth is the most magical thing, and to see how amazing both Brianne and Chris did was just beyond heart warming.

I look forward to seeing this little lady for her newborn session with me later in the week. I wish her to have the most happy and fulfilling life, and from knowing her parents I believe that will be true.

Well done Brianne and Chris.














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