Melbourne Birth Photography | Magnus

I was so thrilled when Rebekah contacted me early in her pregnancy with the news that she was expecting again ( baby #5 )and asked if I would photograph her birth…
To take you back 1.5 years I was standing in the Birth suit with Rebekah and Seb welcoming baby #4 Isabelle into the world, so I was beyond excited to be able to be there with them again.
So here we were on a late evening Sunday 24th of May 2015 welcoming little Magnus into the world. A gorgeous little boy to add into the family.
Weighing a healthy 9 pound 10 Mumma did so well, Could not have been more proud. It is always an honor to photograph a birth but more so when it is the second time around with the same family <3
Congratulations again Rebekah and Seb and to all your family !

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